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Data Analytics unravels the secret of Oleg’s popularity on LinkedIn
Q. What is the secret of Oleg’s popularity on LinkedIn?
LinkedIners would surely like to know the answer to this question. Oleg Vishnepolsky is a LinkedIn influencer who keeps regularly posting content on how to make life and workplace more positive, on LinkedIn. To seek that answer, we did a study of his posts.
We used the data cataloging and analytics tool OVALEDGE to get insights into this question. Click here, if you want to know more about this tool.
How we did the study
This study is of his 100 consecutive posts on and before 3/6/2018. We classified various posts on the basis of its content into positive saying, positive advice, news, prayers, products. When we analyzed these posts, we got some insights into this secret. Other interesting facts also emerged.
What we found out
Our finding is that his POSITIVITY and REALISM have conquered (mostly :)) all! DATA proves it. See graph below.

Click here to read the entire story and find out how it is created on OvalEdge The professional world which we associate with phrases like cut-throat competitive, pressure cooker-like; his posts have been a balm to the stressed-out souls. No wonder we all love his PRAYERS so much! See the graph below. On LinkedIn, we all post about bleeding-edge technology, groundbreaking startups etc. However, you have helped to give a HUMAN FACE to this professional network. Your posts on the value of EMPLOYEE LOYALTY and TRUST are like an oasis in the technological desert. That's what people like! Talking about your realism; my big data machine – my mind remembers a post of yours where you reasoned with fellow linkedIners that LinkedIn is a space for your professional views, not political views (for political views use FB). AGREE? Please comment on what other insights you Linkediners would like to add to this story. Your input is priceless.
Click here to read the entire story and find out how it is created on OvalEdge.
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