Big Data

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Metadata Management

“For me, context is the key – from that comes the understanding of everything.” – Kenneth Noland, American painter Effective metadata management in...


Benefits of a Data lake

The key benefit of a data lake is that you can store any and all data in one place incurring a low cost, pulling it as analytical needs arise. But...


Hadoop best practices for ETL

Hadoop, an open-source framework has been around for quite some time in the industry. You would see a multitude of articles on how to use Hadoop for...

hadoop big-data

Can data-driven curiosity cure our cognitive biases?

Cognitive biases and our brain Does the fact that having biases is an inherent part of the human brain, surprise you? Don’t be surprised as this is...



BI, Analytics, and Discovery? Know the difference in the big data era

Before starting from home for the airport, you put your flight number – DL28 on Google search. It shows you the current flight status from Atlanta to...

hadoop big-data

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