
Fintech Co. Naranja X Solves Persistent Data Discovery and Literacy Issues with OvalEdge


Córdoba, Argentina




Financial Services

“Before OvalEdge integration, the Naranja X data team only governed a small percentage of the company’s data. Now 70% of the organization’s data warehouse is governed.”

Lucia Arando, Data Manager


Naranja X is a fintech company that enables users to enhance the use of their money. The Naranja X app already has thousands of active accounts. However, the company intends to scale this experience to a further five million people who already use different products or services from their ecosystem.

Naranja X began its data governance journey using simple Excel sheets to track, monitor, and manage its technical and business-focused metadata. However, as the amount of company data that required governance increased, Excel quickly became unfit for that purpose.

At that point, the company chose to shift operations over to Microsoft Power BI which provided Naranja X with a vast table to input data and a search box to scour domains for metadata. However, although Power BI represented a significant leap forward from Excel as a data governance tool, it still didn't provide Naranja X with data discovery and data literacy provisions the company needed to progress on its data journey.

After distinguishing data discovery and data literacy as the primary data governance pain points, the team realized that they needed to implement a tool that included a user-friendly interface for data stewards and data consumers to catalog and complete metadata quickly and collaborate on data assets.


Naranja X’s primary objective was to enable all its users to access the right data, understand, and use it correctly. OvalEdge made this a reality because the platform provided data consumers with a front desk—the OvalEdge data catalog—that enabled them to find what they needed, fast. The Naranja X team also required an easy way to get metadata from a repository that wasn't manual. As well as being a complex process, information can quickly become outdated.

With OvalEdge, the Naranja X team found they could locate and display technical metadata quickly and easily, automate KPI data, and create triggers to inform the data team when users had made changes to data sets. Beyond data discovery and data literacy, Naranja X began using OvalEdge to catalog queries and develop advanced analytics models.

The company also uses OvalEdge for business glossary provisions, to create the main definitions and catalog reports, and the tagging system to organize domains.


Before OvalEdge integration, the Naranja X data team only governed a small percentage of the company’s data. Now 70% of the organization’s data warehouse is governed. Crucially, OvalEdge also enabled the team to activate and formalize accountability with the company's data stewards.

When users completed data governance work manually, it was hard to see the results. With OvalEdge, users can understand why they are doing what they are doing and for what reasons. Before, Naranja X had just two data stewards. Now there are 27 actively working on the OvalEdge platform.

Now 70% of the data lake is governed
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Before, Naranja X had just two data stewards. Now there are 27 actively working on the OvalEdge platform.
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Just a day after connecting Snowflake to OvalEdge, all of our technical metadata was catalogued and instantly available as and when we needed it
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